domingo, 9 de mayo de 2010


Carmen Latinitatis mmx.

Vos, graves linguae domini Latinae,
dicta spirantes Ciceronis atque
Livii libros, tetrici foventes
rutra Catonis
cum lyra dulcis pariter Catulli,
versifex magno spatio salutat
forte divisus, studio tamen sed
paene propinquus.

Poem for the Day of Latinity 2010

Venerable lieges and masters of Latin,
exhaling Cicero’s speeches along with a
fourth part of Livy, as fond of the shovels of
fusty old Cato
as of the lyre of dulcet Catullus,
a maker of verses sends you a greeting,
remote from your country yet by avocation
almost your kinsman.

Scrib. Novi Castri in Australia a.d. iv Kal. Maiis anno Dñi mmx.