jueves, 11 de agosto de 2011



The longest day taenia fuit olim clarissima. Eius cantionem praecipuam pepegit cecinitque Paul Anka. Versionem ego feci Latinam; res non in Northmannorum terra sed in prisca Dacia, Traiano Optimo Principe imperante, agitur. Amicis meis John Lee et Mark Walker hoc munusculum do. Forsan laetaberis.

Many men came here as soldiers,
Many men will pass this way,
Many men will count the hours,
As they live the longest day.
Many men are tired and weary,
Many men are here to stay,
Many men won't see the sunset,
When it ends the longest day.
The longest day, the longest day,
This will be the longest day,
Filled with hopes and filled with fears,
Filled with blood and sweat and tears.
Many men, the mighty thousands,
Many men to victory,
Marching on right into battle
In the longest day in history.

Romani et Princeps noster,
Romani Histrum tranant,
Romani aquilas ferent:
aurum quaerunt Dacicum.
Romani castrametati,
Romani tendas plicant,
Romani iter facientes
sermonem Latii serunt.
Lucida Roma et aeterna,
omnibus leges praebes:
vestigia semper manebunt,
theatra et balnea magna.
Romani: lorica, scutum;
Romani: gladius, pala.
Magis et magis pugnemus,
reluctante etiam Decebalo.